To build a strong foundation for success and to position the council to last for generations, all council leaders work as a team and understand their individual duties and responsibilities. Every member of our council is committed to its success.
Rev. Victor Maristela
The Chaplain is a priest chosen annually by the Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight and Board of Trustees. He acts as the spiritual advisor to the brother Knights and families of a council. He will provide his message to members at the beginning of the meeting or whenever it best suits his schedule. As he is an advisor, the Chaplain is generally in attendance at all council meetings.
Joel Doss
Grand Knight
The Grand Knight is the leader of the council. His primary responsibilities are to presides over all council meetings, appoint program and membership directors, appoint committees as needed, countersign orders for payment and checks, ensure the submission of all paperwork required by the Supreme and State Councils, and maintain working relationships on behalf of the council.
Deputy Grand Knight
The Deputy Grand Knight responsible for assisting the Grand Knight with operation of the council. He will also preside over council meetings in the absence of the Grand Knight, is recommended to serve on the council’s retention committee, and will perform other such duties as the Grand Knight may direct.
James Spooner
The Chancellor will primarily assist the Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight with their duties, as assigned. Additionally, he is entrusted with strengthening the members’ interest in council activities, and is recommended to serve as the chairman of the Admission Committee, and perform other such duties as the Grand Knight may direct.
Chuck Visk
The Recorder is the one responsible for keeping and maintaining a true and permanent record of all actions of the council. Additional responsibilities include maintaining all correspondence of the council, reading the bills entered into the minutes for discussion, and will perform such other duties as the Grand Knight may direct.
Mike Crean
Financial Secretary
The Financial Secretary is appointed by the Supreme Knight for a three-year term upon the recommendation of the Grand Knight and trustees. He will collect dues from members through the timely sending of billing notices, ensure that the council’s membership records are kept up to date, and will file various reports with the Supreme Council.
Robert Koenig
The treasurer works alongside the Financial Secretary to manage the council’s money. The treasurer will handle the council funds by maintaining all of the council’s checking and savings accounts. He will receive money from the financial secretary and ensure it is placed in the proper council accounts, and is responsible for paying all council expenses.
The Lecturer is appointed annually by the Grand Knight and is responsible for providing suitable educational and entertainment programs under the “Good of the Order” at council meetings. He also stays abreast of developments within the council’s charitable, membership, and social programs. And will perform other such duties as the Grand Knight may direct.
William Uberti
The Advocate is the officer tasked with ensuring the council follows the rules, he acts as parliamentarian for the council. He will know the council’s bylaws and the Order’s Charter, Constitution and Laws. He will also seek legal assistance from the state advocate as needed, and perform other such duties as the Grand Knight may direct.
Jeffry Dilick
The Warden will primarily supervise and maintain all council property. He will also arrange the council chambers for meetings and degree exemplifications, oversee inside and outside guards, and perform other such duties as the Grand Knight may direct.
Meynard Sangalang
Inside Guard
The Inside Guard will attend the doors of the council chamber, checking for current membership cards and allowing entrance. He will also perform other such duties as the Grand Knight may direct.
Clarence Smith
Outside Guard
The Outside Guard will attend the doors of the council chamber, checking for current membership cards and allowing entrance. He will also perform other such duties as the Grand Knight may direct.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees are elected by the council membership and are tasked with supervising all financial procedures of the council and conduct the semiannual audits, and ensure that proper protocol and procedures are followed by the council.